How it all started...
Hope Builders Ministries (HBM) developed from The Calling (2 Timothy 2:2) received by four men working with Open Doors in Southern Africa in 1984. Project Timothy was begun to address the acute shortage of pastors in Mozambique. That country's on-going civil war had impoverished it to "poorest country in the world" status. Pastors had been specifically targeted because they " had control over people". Able bodied men potentially are fighters for one of the armies.
Project Timothy later became Timothy Training Institute as it grew into an independent ministry in 1990 and spread to all the countries Hope Builders Ministries reaches today. The HBM program has since been adjusted to accommodate the needs of the constituency we have been called to serve -- the "bush" of rural Africa where virtually nobody provides the training or "tools" for indigenous leaders to EFFECTIVELY reach their own people for Christ.
In 2001 Hope Builders was established in the US to partner with these indigenous ministries as the projects grew. Over 11,000 village churches have been planted in five African countries and 3 Asian countries since 2001. HBM has enrolled pastoral leaders in a three-year Pastor Training Program, a diploma course completed by 25,000 graduates (over and above the 13,000 students served between 1985 and 2001 by Timothy Training Institute).
Through the Bibles for Disciples program, nearly 600,000 Bibles have been distributed to faithful disciples through a network of indigenous partner churches (many in their native languages).
Through Dignity Projects thousands of orphans have received sustained material and spiritual care while hundreds of widows have been trained and equipped to care for these orphans.
This is done in their local churches, under the supervision of the local Pastor. Bibles, bicycles, motorcycles, evangelism tracts, Jesus Film kits, thousands of study modules, vegetable seed and garden tools are some of the gifts referred to as "tools" provided by our donors who partner with us to serve thousands of people who are hungry for the Word of God.
If you delight in the idea of rapidly winning whole communities to Christ in rural areas of Africa and India, we invite you to join us in this exciting and fruitful ministry!
Expanding the vision...
Hope Builders Mininstries Projects:
Where we are headed...
Hope Builders Ministries' vision is to equip, encourage and empower Christian leaders in the Word of God, enabling them to better enlist their congregations to the GREAT COMMISSION mission, making disciples in their communities and beyond as they share the Gospel of Grace and then encouraging one another to grow to maturity.
To date Hope Builders Ministries is involved in launching disciple making movements in Africa, Asia and America by working with local Christian leaders and churches. It is our desire to continue to saturate communities and countries and continents with the vision of the Great Commission among indigenous Christians.