Hope Builders Ministries - Bangladesh
- 166,303,494 (2021)
- Population under 15 yrs: 27.2%
- Urban %: 36.9%
- 46 Languages
- 326 People Groups
- Official Language: Bengla
- Literacy Rate: 58%
- Human Development Index: 133 / 189
- The Size of Georgia, USA
- Life Expectancy: 73.57
- Infant Mortality: 31.70
- Death Under Age 5: 30/1,000
Muslim 89.1%, Hindu 10%, other 0.9% (includes Buddhist, Christian) (2013 est.). "The Bengali, or Shaikh, people (240 million globally) remain the largest unreached people group in the world. Bengali Muslims make up 89% of the population and follow “folk” Islam (a blend of Sufi Islam, indigenous cultures, and Hinduism). Most have never heard the true gospel. Bengali Hindus (201 Hindu groups, of which 188 are unreached), also face violence and persecution as a religious minority along with the few Christians.

Equip the whole church to do the work of the ministry, building up the body of Christ. Ephesians 4:12

Paul said, "And what you have heard from me...commit to faithful men who will be able to teach others also." 2 Timothy 2:2

"Therefore encourage one another and build up one another, just as you also are doing." 1 Thessalonians 5:11
Advance the Gospel in Bangladesh
Bangladesh is a young country in that the people are young. 27% of the population is under 15 years old.
The Hope Builders Ministries missionary is still in training. This training takes place over the internet via zoom and emails. Translating is difficult. The English translating is through Google Translate.
In spite of the difficulties the Gospel is being advanced in Bangladesh as Brother Gazi disciples young people in the basics of the Gospel using HBM resources. He actively works with young people, the heart of Bangladesh. The literacy rate is 50% . Gazi's disciples are mainly literate so they can be better trained to orally teach the truth to new and older believers.
Bangladesh is also very poor. The economic stress is compounded by feuding political families and continually flooding rivers. Much of Bangladesh is at zero feet with the converging Ganges and Brahmaputra Rivers dividing the country.
The HBM Missionary needs monthly support to maintain his family and supply the needed resources to grow the ministry and make disciples who multiply.